Saturday, January 29, 2011

Converting DVD's With Handbrake

I decided to compress all my dvd files for my Popcorn Hour to a smaller form factor to save space on my hard drive.  When I loaded up Handbrake it alerted me to a new version I could download.  I did, and began converting with the new program.  After doing several at the default settings, I tried playing them back on the Popcorn Hour and could not get any Dolby Digital sound!  Even if I selected it with or without a downmixed AAC stereo version, I would only get the AAC version.  So, I tested and restested, and was about to give up.  Then I googled MP4 and Dolby Digital and found out that MP4 does not natively support it.  I switched to the mkv container, like I used to use, and what do you know, it worked!  I could also include the director's commentary soundtrack and select it on the fly while playing.  Awesome!

Now, my computer is still going to be tied up for a few more days while converting....

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