Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Sometimes Video Snobbery

I still remember when I decided to no longer to use SLP mode to record with on the VCR and only use SP.  I also remember when I picked up my first DVD recorder.  It was not the vaporware model from Philips that I wanted that was supposed to have a digital audio input to recored Dolby Digital with.  So I recorded piles of discs to replace those VCR tapes that I become too "big" to watch.  Now, with HD programming my DVD recorder is looking long in the tooth.  I've begun to be too "big" again to watch those down rezzed recordings.  It has now been sold to be replaced with a Hauppauge HD-PVR, tenatively.  I'm a collector, or packrat depending on your point of view, and I don't want to let those movies go that are currently on my Dish DVR.  But if I record them, even in HD, will they be one day passed over for something better?

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