Saturday, March 5, 2011

3D Again

Went to Best Buy again with the kids and checked out the 3D HDTV's.  Only one of the active shutter glasses for the Samsung was working so we had to take turns.  My initial impressions still hold true; it looks awesome when the depth goes "into" the television, but when the image comes forward into the room it falls apart.  We were watching an IMax film.

We also got to check out a passive glasses LG model, brand new.  The salesman, very helpful, said he thought it was better than he expected and that he liked the glasses if only for the fact they were lighter.  It was showing Monsters vs Aliens, and the disc kept skipping.  I did not notice the resolution being halved as a major flaw from where I stood.  However, I did not think the 3D effect was as good as the active glasses.  Looking foward to checking out a Vizio version of passive glasses 3D in the future to see how it compares.

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