Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blu-ray Won't Play For Family Night

While I have extolled the virtues of blu-ray discs before, the great picture and sound, sometimes it really fails to live up to its potential.

Grandma picked up Toy Story 3 for the kids yesterday. A wonderful movie we had watched at the theaters and couldn't wait to try at home. I turned on our home theater system and loaded the disc. And waited. The disc loaded up to the point where you could select the audio language to be played. After selecting English, it hung up. I rebooted once, then twice before it would load up to the menu. Meanwhile, the kids were on the warpath.

DVD's never give any trouble. They just play. Sure, you have to sit through previews and FBI warnings, but you never wonder if the disc will load or not. Maybe this is a sign of getting older. My father can play an Ipod, but I'm sure he would have trouble getting any songs or video on it himself. No, I think in this case the technology is sometimes not up to the expectations of the consumer. We want it to work. We want it to play. We don't need firmware updates on consumer electronic devices to keep them going.

Okay, I'm done complaining now. Is the blu-ray player finished loading yet?

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