Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Printing With Airport Express

One of my jobs at home is to answer the call of "hey, honey....." from my wife.  One of the more recent reasons for calling was that her computer had failed to print.  We've had printers hooked up in a variety of ways, and currently use an airport express as a print server.  We had been out of town for a few days previously and some storms had caused a power outage.

I began troubleshooting why it failed to print.  The other computer with access to the printer would not print, but I could stream music to the airport express.  Then I assumed the printer had failed, but that was not the case.  After opening up the airport utility program and comparing the ip address of it to the selected printer, I realized it had changed when the power was out.

I ended up installing a "new printer" on the new ip address to make it work.  When I finished I realized I could have probably changed the ip address on the airport express quicker.  I may try a static address on it if a power outage causes the same problem again.  And I'll know soon enough as I hear "hey, honey......"

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