Saturday, November 13, 2010

Popbox, Google TV, or Boxee Box?

I really wanted to upgrade my Popcorn Hour A-100.  It works great, I've set up a nice movie server via yamj.  It does not output audio over hdmi, so there is no hd-audio with this unit.  I had set my hopes on either the Boxee Box or Popbox earlier this year.  Both were postponed and then the Popbox came with more of a fizzle than pop.  My Popcorn Hour is a little buggy, not a lot of polish and it looked like the Popbox, with all the cool features, would be more of the same. So, my Christmas home theater plans started to include the Boxee Box.  Then the Google TV started making waves.  What's a guy to do?  I like the fact that the Google TV integrates well with Dish Network, but that does come with a monthly fee.  While even the name of Google sounds cool, I have not really scene anything yet about it that is cool as far as a media streamer goes.  I'm really hoping that the app store will have something when it opens next year. And what about the Boxee Box?  They finally got their act together and implemented a better chip from Intel so that it can really play HD video and HD audio files.  It came out this week, and immediately had the firmware updated.  I've read that internet content works great, but local content won't all play well.  More updating and more updating.  Until they get it working as it should I'll keep on updating my movie server on my Popcorn Hour and watch and wait.

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